Vision and Mission

Vision And Mission


The college envisions itself as oneof the pioneering institutes of the region, providing qualitative holisticeducation to the students hailing from the socio-economically challengedbackgrounds, and geographically remote areas. It sees itself as an institutethat not only provides the students with the necessary academic and employableskills but also with the crucial life skills that will enable them to face lifein a balanced and holistic manner, and be a model citizen of the nation imbuedin the values of humanity and compassion.



The mission of the college is toprovide to the students of the region a holistic and value based qualitativeeducation. It aims to:

Ø  providea secure and well conducive environment for the overall development of therelevant employability skills as well human values.

Ø  sensitizethe students towards socio-economic issues with emphasis on gender and humanrights as well as on environmental issues through extension activities and alsoby introducing the students to various co-curricular activities such asliterary, sports and cultural activities.

Ø  preparethe students for availing the opportunity of higher education at the nearbycentral universities like Indira Gandhi National Tribal University inAmarkantak and Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya, Bilaspur.

Ø  providepractical and employable skills through collaborations with the industry andinstitutes of higher education and vocational training.

Ø  preparejudicious and conscientious future citizens through community outreach programsunder NSS and other institutional initiatives.